What kind of doctor does Jesus want to be? Definitely not one whose advice you listen to and whose medicine you learn about, but as soon as you leave the room you throw all the advice in the trash...
Psalm 22 and Jesus' last words
Compare these Scriptures where Jesus' last words were written on the cross: Mt 27:46 - Mk 15:34 - John 19:30 You can also read the various accounts of Jesus' crucifixion in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Do you find the parallels to what David wrote here many hundreds of years before Jesus' death and what... Continue reading Psalm 22 und Jesus letzte Worte
trust god? Why theoretical trust is pointless- 2
My last blog was about the question of whether God deserves your trust at all: How does he want to work in your life? Is God Really Good? This blog is about: How do you deal with negative thoughts? What can you change in your thinking to become free? And how do you learn to relax with God so that you really feel what you believe: that God's love drives away the panic, fear and heaviness in you.
Is God carrying you or are you still faking?
Imagine sitting in a chair and saying, "This chair is amazing! There is no one better or more stable.” But in reality you think this chair is too rickety to support your weight for more than two minutes. This will result in you never putting your weight fully on the chair, just pretending to sit. How cozy would that be? As much as you want, you can proclaim with faith: “I am so glad to have this chair in my life. Life would be so exhausting without this chair. I could never really rest.” God is like that chair.
trust god? Why you theoretically trust God – 1
Have you ever thought about whether you actually trust God? More often you may ask yourself whether you believe in God - or whether you believe enough. But when it comes to faith, it must also be about trust in God. Because you don't believe anyone you don't trust. And you don't trust anyone you don't believe a word of it. I have found throughout my life that I have the ability to theoretically trust God: theoretically, I believe that God is with me. When asked if he wants to help me, I answer: "Yes, theoretically yes...". Did Jesus pay for my sins and absolve me of all charges? "Theoretically, yes." The only question then is why, practically speaking, I still feel constantly accused and judged... The problem, of course, is that theoretical trust in God practically means: "I don't trust you!"
Does your inner light shine?
Anxiety and stress pull you down? It often feels like sitting in the dark. Who can help get life under your feet?
Prayer - agony or source?
But maybe in you too there is still a spark that thinks: it still would be good if I knew how to get in touch with God...
getting in touch with god?
That's why it makes sense to open my heart to God every day. I used to wonder why God felt so far away. But God wouldn't be God if that overwhelmed him.