do you hear god Or are you convinced that he doesn't talk to you at all? In this blog I want to tell you: He talks more than you think! Three steps will help you hear God more again!
The background noise of your life
Have you ever noticed that at some point you no longer hear noises that are constantly around you? It often happens that you become deaf to a background noise. For example, if the noise isn't threatening or of any importance to you, it fades into the background entirely. In turn, two things, among others, will cause you to hear it again: fear or anticipation.
Many people wonder why God doesn't speak. This statement could not be more wrong.

If anyone is constantly talking, it's God!
As steady as the waves of surf, he talks to you incessantly. There isn't a moment in your life that he doesn't want to talk to you.
He keeps saying: I love you! Here, won't you have my peace within you? I want to give you love and strength for your life. Look, I want to give you hope for this hopeless situation. Come to me, I have freedom. breathe easy Look, I'll show you how beautiful life is...
God speaks. The question is: do you hear him?
And to ask more specifically: Want do you hear him? Didn't you care about his voice until now? Then it costs your attention to learn to hear God.
When I sit under my apple tree in spring when it's in bloom, I love the sound of the bees in the tree.
But I have to sit there for a while before I hear the sound more clearly. The longer I sit, the more clearly I hear them busy collecting buzz and nectar.
It's a beautiful sound - one of my favorite springtime sounds.

God's speaking is my favorite sound in life. What a beautiful sound. When he speaks, life, peace, clarity and joy emanate from him. That's who he is, he can't help but fill you with good. How the sun shines joy in our hearts on a beautiful day.
That's why I want to ask you today: Do you want to hear God again? Maybe you can still remember experiences as a child where you heard it before? You can recognize his voice by the fact that it has the following characteristics: peace, joy, hope, love, patience and inner calm, friendliness, kindness, not aggressive but gentle,...

If you want to hear God again, make time for these sounds starting today. Just as I have to sit under the tree to hear the bees, sit in a nice and quiet place and invite him into your life to talk.
let him be your sun
Learn to hear God in three steps
However, it takes three steps that you should tell him and allow so that you can hear God again. Because every friendship has its conditions. A person who is friends with you, no matter how crappy you treat them, got it really wrong. It cannot be otherwise with God. So what does it take for you to be able to hear him again. I believe these three phrases are necessary and God is dying to hear them from you:
"I want to hear you again. Open my ears to you.”
"If a voice inside me says you're dead or not interested in me, I won't believe it anymore. I trust you: you want talk to me!”
"You can speak into my life. I give you the garbage in my heart that destroys and suffocates me and those around me. You can free me from that.
My house of life is now also your house of life. I trust you."

Three steps to meet God
Are three steps enough to hear God? God promises. Because with these three steps you show:
humility (“I need you – please speak to me”),
Faith (“I trust you more than my doubts”) and
Devotion (“I give you my heart – you may speak into my life”)
If you've managed to make that decision, keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. Because God loves to hear from you. But even more he loves to show himself to you. He loves to tell you about Jesus, about his power that wants to live in you and about his love that wants to set you free.
wanna hear god I'm happy if you write to me.